غلال النهضة للتنمية الزراعية


Pomegranate is a nutrient-rich fruit known for its high health benefits and delicious taste, and is an essential agricultural product for export from Egypt to international markets. Egyptian pomegranate is distinguished by its shiny skin, rich in bright colors from red to pink, and a high percentage of natural sugars, making it universally desirable for fresh consumption and juice preparation. Pomegranate also contains powerful antioxidants, fiber and vitamins that promote heart health and immunity. Egypt is known for producing high-quality pomegranates thanks to the right climate and sustainable farming methods, with producers adhering to international standards of quality and food safety, which contributes to raising its position in global markets.

Our Main Varieties:


It is characterized by a bright red peel and dark red and juicy seeds (edible parts). It is famous for its sweet and sour flavor and large size. It is widely used for fresh consumption and for the preparation of juices.

It is characterized by a high content of juice and softer seeds. The color of the seeds ranges from light pink to red. It is often used in domestic markets for fresh eating and juice production.

It is characterized by a high content of juice and softer seeds. The color of the seeds ranges from light pink to red. It is mainly used for juice due to its high juice content and distinctive flavor.

Modern hybrid type. Its seeds are bright red and are characterized by a balanced flavor. Grown mainly for export, suitable for fresh food and juices



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