غلال النهضة للتنمية الزراعية


Egyptian garlic is considered one of the distinguished export crops due to its high quality, strong flavor, and rich nutritional content, making it highly sought after globally, especially in Europe.

Egyptian garlic is known for its large cloves and medicinal properties, as it contains compounds that help boost immunity and reduce inflammation.

Egypt produces garlic in consecutive seasons due to its favorable climate, and it is exported according to international quality standards to ensure the product remains fresh and suitable for long periods. The precise sorting and packaging process ensures it meets the requirements of European and global markets, with exports available in different sizes and suitable packaging to meet the continuous demand in these markets.


  • Size: The size of Egyptian garlic cloves ranges from medium to large, with
    the cloves being uniform inside the bulb.
  • Color: It is usually white with a thin and easy-to-peel outer skin, and some garlic bulbs may have a slight purple tint.
  • Flavor and aroma: Egyptian garlic has a strong and distinctive flavor, with an
    intense aroma that becomes more pronounced when chopped or crushed,
    making it ideal for cooking and widely used in recipes around the world.
  • Nutritional content: Egyptian garlic is rich in vitamins (such as Vitamin C and B6) and minerals (such as manganese and selenium), in addition to antioxidants and sulfur compounds that contribute to its health benefits.
  • Shelf life: Egyptian garlic is known for its ability to be stored for long periods
    (usually up to 6 months or more), making it suitable for export.
  • Varieties: Egyptian garlic comes in different varieties, including the local variety, which is the most famous and widely traded in both local and international markets.

Additional packaging options are available to meet specific customer requirements.